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Friday 9 June 2017

Christian mercy. Additional donations.

Greetings in the Lord. 
May God bless each of you.

As of 10 March 2017, His Eminence Archbishop MAKARIOS (Tillyrides) of Kenya has declared St. Irene Mission Centre to be among the most needy missions in danger from the drought which is affecting Kenya and to be in need of additional support. He has released a letter verifying our status and requesting that our friends and supporters consider additional donations at this time to help see our precious children through the calamity of famine.
One of the major challenges of this Mission, is land. We can not buy land without your help; and that rent is very expensive. Lack of land restricts the Mission from building permanent structures, and drilling wells, for its orphans. These items are desperately needed to better care for the children.
The conditions in which the mission is carried out are under human dignity. The kitchen, the classrooms, all the rooms of the mission are built in the poorest way. That's why your financial help is needed to buy land and build solid buildings with all the necessary utilities. The digging of a well is very necessary and urgent. Our Christian brothers, be with Christ, helping these children in great need.
In your kindness and charity, please help the vulnerable children of St. Irene Mission Centre with a donation during this time of increased uncertainty.
For donations click here:
Yours in Christ,

Father Constantinos
Priest and Director St. Irene Mission Centre, South Kinangpop, Kenya